Rector and Staff

The Rev. Lucas Caine Crossland
The Rev. Lucas Caine Crossland (Fr. Lucas) is the 12th Rector (main pastor) of The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour. Born and raised in Tennessee, he attended college at The University of the South in Sewanee, TN, where he majored in Religious Studies and was very involved in the university chapel. After college, he completed an AmeriCorps VISTA year as a grants manager. During his time as a VISTA, he sensed a call to the priesthood. He continued his education at The School of Theology in Sewanee, receiving his Master of Divinity in May 2023. After seminary, he served as an assistant priest in the Diocese of East Carolina. Fr. Lucas is married to his husband, Sam Young, a Georgia native and a higher education professional. In his spare time, Fr. Lucas loves to be outdoors, cook, watch a British murder mystery, and spend time with his cat, Hildi. If you’re interested in learning more about The Episcopal Church, want to enjoy a cup of coffee, or just talk, please call the church office and connect with Fr. Lucas. Contact Fr. Lucas at
Director of Music
Chip Mays

Parish Administrator
AnnWalton Townsend
Day School Director
Ashley Lesslie